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Home » E-Learning 2009 » Programm » 1. Konferenztag » The Organizational Knowledge Circulated Management System On E-Learning Practices in Universities (Japan)

The Organizational Knowledge Circulated Management System On E-Learning Practices in Universities (Japan)

Prof. Dr. Toshio Okamoto

University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Japan

In this talk, the concept of the organizational knowledge circulated management system on e-Learning practices is presented, with the fundamentals based on the relationships of organizational linkage among the faculties, the graduate schools, the computer center, E-Learning center and the administrative offices, etc. : It will be presented as a case study from the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo, Japan.

This university established the center for developing E-Learning (CDEL) in order to promote this “Good Practice” project. As shown in the following figure, we have constructed organizational collaboration for E-Learning at this university. The CDEL plays a central role for improving educational activities and built up organizational collaboration for E-Learning at this university. We have developed the multi functional LMS (WebClass-RAPSODY), in order to support the planning processes and develop contents, promote faculty development, manage copy rights, and conduct mentoring and coaching activities etc.

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Adobe Systems GmbH Blackboard datango AG Lplus Microsoft Deutschland GmbH TELERAT GmbH
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Stand: 04.08.2009

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